Demons are creatures born from the mass of Hell. They are most easily recognisable by their hard stone-like exterior and slow movement.
Demons have higher intelligence than Husks, but are still incapable of rational thought and communication. No demons have been able to pass the mirror test, though studies are limited due to their hostility.
Malicious Faces are the most common type of demon, but are incredibly dangerous, especially in swarms, due to their mastery of the use of Hell Energy as a weapon.
- Due to their burst fire, they can be quite difficult to get close to, so despite the effectiveness of a point blank shotgun shot, nails are the recommended course of action, with magnets enabling long-range combat.
- Due to their invulnerability to explosions, they don't need to hold back the energy of their beam attacks, so staying away from walls and other surfaces is recommended when they begin charging an energy beam.