Having twice clashed with the machine and lost, Gabriel realized he had been mistaken. The strong fire that burned inside him was not hatred at all, but passion.
Gabriel had never before known the joy of a struggle, of coming face-to-face with an opponent of equal or greater measure. Though he had lost twice, each loss only further grew his desire to overcome.
Up until now, he had only done what was expected of him, but now for the first time he had found something he himself wanted. Not even the fast encroaching End of Hell mattered to him anymore.
Still, having come to realize the horrors he had committed in God's name, he felt a great guilt. Though he could not undo what he had done, Gabriel knew he had to make things right, and headed to Hell for the last time.
- While Gabriel's speed has increased, his accuracy has not. Dodging diagonally or to the side will prove more fruitful than trying to run backwards out of the range of his swords.
- Though his sword throw may seem impossible to dodge, it will prove an excellent weapon if parried instead.
- Overcome with emotion, Gabriel will sometimes stop to taunt his opponent, creating a window for healing.